
Bruntsfield Links Golfing Society

Course Status

Course Open. 18 main greens in play. Buggies available. Please take care on slopes and higher ground. Updated: 10th Feb 2025


Guests and visitors are required to play to a handicap of 28 and ladies 36.

At Bruntsfield we are committed to a pace of play of 3 hrs 45mins for 18 holes which will ensure that all golfers enjoy playing the course in a reasonable time. 

Golfers can help us achieve this by:

  • Playing from the tees that suit your ability
  • Always being ready to play when it is your turn
  • Keep up with the group in front and invite faster groups to play through

Dress Code

Our dress code for members, visitors and guests ensures that everyone can feel comfortable at all times, both in the Clubhouse and on the Course. 

Please use our changing rooms which can be accessed through the automatic entry doors at the front and rear of the clubhouse.

To view the dress code please click here.

Mobile Phone Policy

In the clubhouse mobile phones and similar devices may only be used for calls in the corridor immediately outside the Professional shop. Otherwise, mobile phones or other devices can be used in the clubhouse but only in silent mode for data purposes. They may be used on the course for medical emergencies.

If you have any questions please contact the office:

T: 0131 336 1479 option 3 or by e-mail to

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